We are long overdue a company (Night Wish Group) effort to raise donations for a local charity. Many of us donate privately and support various charities, we also support many charity events as a company (city hall and police ask us often, mostly children’s stuff).

We have chosen the Boon Choo Special Needs Centre near Sattahip who have many children and adults in their care with special needs. They need clothes, food and cash.  They have a “live in” home around the corner and a day shelter with a school attached to it, also a mini work area.

We have spoken to them and they do not have any donation boxes, so we got 30 of them made up, labelled them and they will have the keys to empty and do a count if needed.


If anyone wants to join us, we can get more donation boxes made!

We have this GoFundMe page and if you cant donate online…

We will have a donation box in each of our bars.  If you are not a bar person, you are more than welcome to pop in and drop some money in the box anyway.

We have a “Top Donators” board in each bar and we will try and get the bars competing to see who can generate the most donations (just for some fun). We will give a prize of some sort to each top donator in each bar that the company will pay for.

We have suggested to managers that they give out something free or T-shirt,  they can be creative but there will be a minimum donation for a t-shirt/gift.  I will update later if we get problems.

We will update our thread with ideas and there should be some parties coming up also.

I have done this thread just to let people know the boxes are out there and we are starting to raise the funds for this awesome cause..

Any practical suggestions, or anyone willing to pledge a certain amount for something special or funny,  you are welcome to message me! Perhaps there will be a lot of cross-dressing going on soon to raise donations lol

The donation boxes are in our bars listed below

Soi 6 

Mods Bar
Sexy in the city
Exotica Bar
Offshore bar
Roxy Bar
Foxy bar
Kawaii bar
Butterfly bar
Where Angel’s play
Horny bar
Pussy club
Nature bar
Night wish bar
Utopia – opens in a few days

Soi Chaiyaboon

Blue bar
Bunny Club – not open yet

Soi Bonkot 8

Club sin


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Adam Judd
Mr. Adam Judd is the Chief of Content of TPN media, English language, since December 2017. He is originally from Washington D.C., America. His background is in HR and Operations and has written about news and Thailand for a decade now. He has lived in Pattaya for about ten years as a full-time resident, is well known locally and been visiting the country as a regular visitor for over 15 years. His full contact information, including office contact information, can be found on our Contact Us page below. Stories please e-mail Editor@ThePattayanews.com About Us: https://thephuketexpress.com/about-us/ Contact Us: https://thephuketexpress.com/contact-us/