Phone: 061-963-2268
Hours: Tuesday to Saturday 8 AM to 3 PM, Closed Mondays
17/157 Soi Boonsampan
Our Take:
The Light House Cafe is a hidden gem located on the Darkside on Soi Boonsampan.
It is family owned and operated and specializes in American Breakfasts and Lunches and has been a local tradition for expats for several years for an affordable and delicious American style breakfast and lunch.
The owners live directly across the street and are there every day the restaurant is open ensuring that their customers have a pleasant and friendly experience.
It maintains a nearly perfect review score on Facebook and from local reviewers and we can agree with this.
One of their busiest days is Thursdays as it is the only day they serve an American classic, Biscuits and Gravy and Chicken Biscuits.
They maintain a number of off menu items including a variety of delicious American style pancakes. We suggest to try the Blue Berry pancakes when they have it!
They update their Facebook often with their specials, deals and promotions.
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