Ten Tips For Finding Work In Pattaya For Foreigners

Top Ten Tips For Finding Work In Pattaya

  1.  Visit Pattaya and get to know business owners, even if they have a different business from what you would like to work in, or even if they have said no to your proposal in the past.  Good business owners find good people and make roles for them. Every business owner connects with each other in Pattaya and they do talk.
  2. Be nice to everyone, it’s a small town and if you exit companies badly or attack people online, companies will find out.  But the tip here is to be positive on social media and anything you do online.
  3. Write on various websites to get a name for yourself,  post things in Pattaya-related groups, and help business owners for free.
  4. Find events on meetup.com, post you are looking for work on bahtsold,  look on jobsdb.com, check the Pattaya Job groups, and go to any networking events such as the two Sunday ex-pat groups.
  5. People are unlikely to give you a job over email, especially if you cant apply in person,  most people ask for work and walk away after they are rejected. Pattaya is a small transient town and you must build up relationships and references.
  6. Learn Thai – knowing Thai or other languages really helps in this town, also Chinese and Russian, get your CV or proposal in Thai also, because Thai people need foreigners working for them also
  7. Be prepared to work for less or free to start with, it’s not easy here to make money, but if you add enough value, then a pay rise should be granted. Some business owners are scared to create new roles because it’s a risk that they will lose money, you can take that risk away by doing a free trial. For example, you can find a business with poor social media exposure and take over it for them,  you can agree on a salary or payment later on if they want you to continue it.  (Check the work permit link below)
  8. Show that you are really prepared to work, that you are on time and you will actually turn up, this town is full of people in party mode, sometimes its better to have someone more reliable and loyal, than skilled.
  9. Be prepared to adapt and learn because this town isn’t big enough to find the jobs that you may want,  there are always promotions within a company later on, but just getting a job in this town is a good start.
  10. Be someone that is verifiable, a real name with real friends from back home, with real references from mutual friends.  This town has many liars, fakers, and people that use fake names and disappear.  Genuine people with verifiable backgrounds and friends are appreciated. Further reading
    Work Permit Requirements
    Jobs Wanted – Bahtsold (a very popular website)
    Facebook – Pattaya Jobs
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Adam Judd
Mr. Adam Judd is the Chief of Content of TPN media, English language, since December 2017. He is originally from Washington D.C., America. His background is in HR and Operations and has written about news and Thailand for a decade now. He has lived in Pattaya for about ten years as a full-time resident, is well known locally and been visiting the country as a regular visitor for over 15 years. His full contact information, including office contact information, can be found on our Contact Us page below. Stories please e-mail Editor@ThePattayanews.com About Us: https://thephuketexpress.com/about-us/ Contact Us: https://thephuketexpress.com/contact-us/